Soviet cartoon "Soldier's Tale" 1983

Описание к видео Soviet cartoon "Soldier's Tale" 1983

Soviet-era cartoon released by Kievnauchfilm (Kyiv Science Film was a film studio in the former Soviet Union located in Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR. Although it was created in 1941 to produce popular science films, it eventually became best known for its animated films and remained active in Ukrainian animation for decades) Сreative Association of Artistic Animation in 1983.

Based on the tale by Konstantin Paustovsky. On the front line, a soldier named Peter showed his colleagues a gift that his little son had given him before leaving for the front. The man took out a matchbox, opened it and a large rhinoceros beetle crawled out. The soldiers laughed in unison. What is the use of a beetle in a war? But Peter said that he would not throw away the insect, because it was a gift from his son. And then suddenly their regiment from the sky began to attack fascist planes ...
When a man was hiding in a trench, a matchbox fell out of his hands, and there was a beetle. The insect managed to get out. The beetle was at a loss, he did not understand what was happening around him. At first, I even thought that it was some kind of strange thunderstorm or Starfall. Only incomprehensible stars fell from the sky and killed people. And then he accidentally saw his master. Together with Peter, the rhinoceros beetle went through the entire war and saved the man's life more than once.

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