Session III: Social Diversity | 2023 Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies

Описание к видео Session III: Social Diversity | 2023 Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies

Recorded on June 22, 2023.

Session III
Social Diversity
Chair/Moderator: Tamar Hofnung, University of California, Los Angeles

"Becoming Israeli: A Study of Soviet and Ethiopian Integration in the 1990s"
Yael Perlman, Brandeis University

"So You Shall Say to (Some) of the House of Jacob: Israeli Ashkenazi-Sephardi Dynamics and the Bais"
Yaakov System Charna Perman, University of Toronto

"Democratya? Anti-democratic Forces in Israel—And How to Combat Them"
Niso Nahmiyas, Duke University

About the Conference
The UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies was pleased to host its fifth annual Undergraduate Scholars Conference in Israel Studies. The conference provided a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to present and discuss their research on modern Israel in any academic discipline. Hosted virtually, the conference showcased some of the best recent undergraduate research in Israel Studies in the United States and abroad.

DISCLAIMER: The views or opinions of our guest speakers and the content of their presentations do not necessarily reflect the views of the UCLA Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for Israel Studies. Hosting speakers does not constitute an endorsement of the speaker's views or opinions.


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