Farmer Protest: Haryana Police Invoke National Security Act on Farm Protesters

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In an escalating conflict, the Haryana police have invoked the National Security Act (NSA) against farm protesters. This comes after the police reported two of their officials dying and over 30 receiving serious injuries amid incidents of violence, including charges of stone pelting. The police have also made use of tear gas during the protest. Further, the protesters are accused of causing extensive damage to public and government property and making attempts to disrupt peace and order. The police highlighted their concerns that social media platforms are being used by protest leaders to disseminate provocative content that could potentially disturb social harmony. As a countermeasure, proceedings are being initiated to seek compensation from the farm leaders and protesters for the damage caused to public property. This situation represents a major political turning point. #HaryanaPolice #NationalSecurityAct #FarmProtests #SocialMedia #PublicPropertyDamage #PoliticalTurn
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