Mitochondrial Calcium Influx Analysis | Protocol Preview

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Analyses of Mitochondrial Calcium Influx in Isolated Mitochondria and Cultured Cells - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

Joshua T. Maxwell, Chin-Hsien Tsai, Tahmina A. Mohiuddin, Jennifer Q. Kwong
Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics; Emory University, Emory College of Arts and Sciences;

Here, we present two protocols for the measurement of mitochondrial Ca2+ influx in isolated mitochondria and cultured cells. For isolated mitochondria, we detail a plate reader-based Ca2+ import assay using the Ca2+ sensitive dye calcium green-5N. For cultured cells, we describe a confocal microscopy method using the Ca2+ dye Rhod-2/AM.

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