Lost Ark - Gameplay First Look (KOREAN BETA)

Описание к видео Lost Ark - Gameplay First Look (KOREAN BETA)

https://www.mmobomb.com/review/lost-ark (still under construction) for more Lost Ark reviews, gameplay videos, guides, screenshots, tips, news, and more.

Our own Zach Sharpes managed to get into the Lost Ark Beta and get some gametime for all of us to check out. Will it be as good as many hope it will be when/if it comes to the West? Check out our initial thoughts!

http://www.mmobomb.com for the best free MMORPG and MMO Games.

Every First Look is filled with informative gameplay showcasing each game's character creation menu, a breakdown of individual classes, some early PvE and PvP content and other features. In the end the main goal of the video is to share our first impressions of the game.

Watch more First Look videos:


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