Another View - Invest In Hull - Film and Video Production

Описание к видео Another View - Invest In Hull - Film and Video Production

Hull Forward look after the economic development of Hull, and they commissioned Classlane Media to revitalise their video output.

Classlane established a feel and created content that we thought would appeal to the target audience, and we made a list of everyone and everywhere we would like to see portrayed in the film. This list included views and aspects of the city that are usually overlooked or badly represented as well as the faces and voices of the citys biggest advocates and key influencers.

The film includes opinion from the MDs of major corporations, local business people, restaurateurs and shop owners to more familiar faces like actress Maureen Lipman, TV star Sarah Beeny and playwright John Godber. And while their comments make up the body of the content of the film its really the remarkable shots of Hull and immediate environs that help portray the city in a way thats never been seen before hence the title of the film, Another View.

Classlane brought a completely fresh perspective to our video output and have created a promo film of real worth which we are confident will prove attractive to our target audience, Andy Mowbray Senior Business Development Manager, Hull Forward.

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