Pet Wellness Centre

Описание к видео Pet Wellness Centre

In honour of our third birthday we'd like to share some of the Pet Wellness Centre story with you. Over the past few weeks we've spent some time filming. With the help of FishFilms and some awesome volunteer film stars, we've put together a series of short videos that we'll be sharing over the coming months.

Today, for our birthday, we're going to indulge a little and share with you the long version of our Pet Wellness Centre story :)

For those who know us well, you will no doubt recognise who we are in this video. We've tried to capture some of what makes Pet Wellness Centre unique so that we can share a bit of the Pet Wellness Centre experience. We really wanted to share who we are, what we do and most importantly, WHY we do it. Pet Wellness, Human Wellness, Community Wellness is our mission and this little film captures why it means to much to us.

So here goes …….. :) We hope you enjoy it!

(Massive thanks to all of our film stars, Wild Rangers Wildlife Encounters, Animale, Story Dogs, Paws at the Park and the incredible Jude from FishFilms)



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