1983 Hit PISSED OFF Longtime Fans & BROKE UP Legendary Band But It’s STILL HUGE! | Professor of Rock

Описание к видео 1983 Hit PISSED OFF Longtime Fans & BROKE UP Legendary Band But It’s STILL HUGE! | Professor of Rock

Today I have a very interesting interview with a legendary singer and former frontman of one of the biggest bands of the 80s Dennis DeYoung was with Styx for many years but his 1983 song Mr. Roboto may actually have been the straw that broke this band up. Mr. Roboto was a huge hit and it's still ahead of its time decades after it became a mega smash. It’ rocketed up the charts and has become the song that most know this band from even though they’ve had numerous hits. Problem is half the band hated it, including Tommy Shaw and some still do. It’s become synonymous with the 80s and a pop culture phenomenon but for years the band wouldn’t do it and even now when they do it, I’ve actually caught one member rolling his eyes… the song that divided fans and likely broke up the band… Mr. Roboto is covered in detail next by Dennis next.

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Executive Producer
Brandon Fugal

Honorary Producers
Steve DocPinko Cloutier, Jenny Blaxell, Jason Elliott, Kelly Moan, Curtis Stoddard, Paul Duenas


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Hey Music Junkies, Professor of Rock always here to celebrate the greatest artists and the greatest songs of all time. If you were ever let down by the toys that looked so cool in the commercials and then you got them and they didn’t live up to the advertising you’ll dig this channel of pure musical nostalgia make sure to subserve below right now and click the bell so you never miss out Also make sure to check us out on patreon.

This is one of the most interesting stories of the 80s... Styx was one of the biggest bands in music from the late 70s into the 80s with massive songs like Lady, Come Sail Away, Renegade, Babe, The best of Times, Too Much times on My hands and more but by 1984 they were done until the 90s. It was likely the experiences creating their 1983 rock opera Kilroy was here that did them in.

With the pop culture phenomenon, Mr. Roboto, Styx broke through to a younger audience, The song had a healthy experimentation with synth pop and a weird yet fascinating concept that pretty evenly divided their audience. After the trying album session and a tour, Tommy Shaw quit the band, releasing a solo album. Dennis DeYoung would follow suit . In 1990 Styx would re unite, bringing in Glen Burtnik as the new guitarist as Tommy Shaw was part of the supergroup damn Yankees. Several years later the band reunited with Shaw to re-record Lady for their greatest hits album and then they would release a new album Brave New world in 1999.

Tension ran high again here, as styles clashed and Dennis De Young and styx would part ways. From that point on, Styx would not play a full version of Mr. Roboto for a long time . A few years ago in an interview Tommy Shaw said and I quote 'You know, I'd really like to play 'Mr. Roboto,' but there's just so much baggage that we had to go through when we made that record. It ultimately led to the band breaking up, but I actually like that song. I just didn't like the experience of making that album.’"

Dennis DeYoung has said in past interviews that he felt that the band hurt it’s legacy by distancing itself from the song. It was after all one of Styx biggest hits. I had the opportunity to interview the grand spectacle himself Mr. Dennis DeYoung about creating Mr. Roboto, as well as the concept behind the music video and it’s impact on pop culture. Let’s get into it.


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