Testim Beginner Tutorial 6 | DataDriven Testing Demo

Описание к видео Testim Beginner Tutorial 6 | DataDriven Testing Demo

What is data driven testing
How to use data driven testing in Testim
How to get data from Excel/CSV file

What is data driven testing
run the same test with different data
This is achieved in 2 steps
Parameterization - use variables in place of hard coded values
Get Data - during execution get data for the variables, can be from an excel, csv, text files or scripts

How to use data driven testing in Testim

Step 1 - Create a simple test
Step 2 - Decide on values that needs to be parameterized
Step 3 - In the test's Setup step (the first step), click the Show properties button
Step 4 - Click on Test Data
Step 5 - Define the data set in the JS editor
Step 6 - On the the step that you want to add the data set to Click the Show Properties button
Step 7 - In the Text to assign field, replace the existing text with the name of the parameter
Step 8 - Save and run test

Note - To run test multiple times, each time with a different Data Set, run your test from
Testim CLI, Scheduler or Local suite run

How to get data from Excel/CSV file

Step 1 - Create excel/csv file and add data as per parameters of the test
Step 2 - In the Setup step (the first step), click the Show properties button
Step 3 - Click on Test Data
Step 4 - Click Upload File and select the file you have created
Step 5 - The uploaded data is displayed. You can modify this data if needed
Step 6 - Save and Run test

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Raghav Pal

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Docker - https://bit.ly/2MInnzx
Jenkinsfile - https://bit.ly/3JSMSZ7
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Vagrant - https://bit.ly/3MVKdBt
Ansible - https://bit.ly/3MUsY3h

Selenium Beginners - https://bit.ly/2MGRS8K
Selenium Java Framework from Scratch - https://bit.ly/2N9xvR6
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Selenium Tips - https://bit.ly/2owxc50
Selenium Builder - https://bit.ly/2MKNtlq
Katalon Studio - https://bit.ly/2wARFdi
Robot Framework with RIDE- https://bit.ly/2Px6Ue9
Robot Framework with Eclipse - http://bit.ly/2N8DZxb
Protractor - http://bit.ly/2KtqVkU
AccelQ - https://bit.ly/3PlsAsh
Test Project - http://bit.ly/2DRNJYE
Cucumber BDD - https://bit.ly/3Cnno4z
Cypress - https://bit.ly/3PpEukM
Playwright - https://bit.ly/3iuPByJ
WebdriverIO - https://bit.ly/3IJyofA
XPath & Web Locators - https://bit.ly/3PpEvoQ

Web Services (API) - https://bit.ly/2MGafL7
SoapUI - https://bit.ly/2MGahmd
Postman - https://bit.ly/2wz8LrW
Postman 2022 - https://bit.ly/3JWm4qX
Rest Assured - https://bit.ly/3zUdhRD
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General - https://bit.ly/2PYdwmV
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Katalon Studio API Testing - https://bit.ly/2BwuCTN
API Mocking - https://bit.ly/3bYPsjS

Appium - https://bit.ly/2ZHFSGX
Mobile Playlist - https://bit.ly/2PxpeUv

JMeter Beginner - https://bit.ly/2oBbtIU
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JMeter Tips & Tricks - https://bit.ly/2NOfWD2
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Performance Testing - https://bit.ly/2wEXbLS

Git & GitHub - https://bit.ly/2Q1pagY
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IntelliJ IDEA - https://bit.ly/3AnyDZ8
Visual Studio Code - https://bit.ly/2V15yvt

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Maven - https://bit.ly/2NJdDRS
Gradle - http://bit.ly/30l3h1B

Browserstack - https://bit.ly/3w7kxZn
Saucelabs - https://bit.ly/3w7kAo1
LambdaTest - https://bit.ly/3C6TBwM

JSON - https://bit.ly/3w450tq
XML - https://bit.ly/3PqRneH

▬▬ OTHERS ▬▬
Virtualization on Windows - http://bit.ly/2SItIL9
Mock Interviews - https://bit.ly/3QGwwVJ

Redis - https://bit.ly/2N9jyCG
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