Solo Victory Cup Wins & Fails - Okis, Faki, MrSavage, Muz | AussieAntics Highlights

Описание к видео Solo Victory Cup Wins & Fails - Okis, Faki, MrSavage, Muz | AussieAntics Highlights

FIST META OR NITRO META? Which do you prefer the most? Having been able to see how EU plays out with the Gauntlets vs NA with them vaulted having to rely on Nitro Dashing - the two different metas were vastly different. After the balance change to the gloves, things were looking good until a bug allowed people to fly into the sky and stay there all game, which caused them to be vaulted mid-way through Brazil. For NA, watching as everything became chaos with people running through walls, many were asking for the fists to return.

Which did you think was better?

#Fortnite #AussieAntics #mrsavage

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