PLO Lumumba: Greed, Dead Aid, Afro Currency, LGBTQIA+, and Revolution - theREN Experience #23

Описание к видео PLO Lumumba: Greed, Dead Aid, Afro Currency, LGBTQIA+, and Revolution - theREN Experience #23

PLO Lumumba is a professor, founder of the PLO Lumumba Foundation, and a consultant with Lumumba and Lumumba Advocates, a member of the Africa Justice Group (AJG).

[00:00] - Intro
[00:20] - Speech Duration: Why 30 Minutes?
[01:39] - Retaining Information: How It Works
[02:22] - African Leaders Took Charge When They Were Young, Youths Today Are Doing the Same
[08:17] - Circumstances Are the Ones Causing Revolution
[11:29] - Leader vs. Politician
[13:05] - Selfishness of African Leaders Today (Greed Being Their Creed)
[15:04] - Developing Africa’s Future Leaders
[17:49] - Democracy Is Just Neo-Colonialism
[25:49] - African Unity and Dignity for Change
[27:34] - Role of Technology in Liberation and Union
[29:49] - Swahili as A For Uniting Africa
[30:06] - Funds as a Massive Weapon for African Destruction
[36:00] - Magufuli and Sankara's Stand about External Funds
[38:50] - Conflict Industry: Africa's Poverty, Westerners' Wealth
[41:52] - Africa Built the World
[45:33] - Are North Africans, Africans?
[47:57] - Africa Can Adopt A Single Currency in 10 Years
[51:59] - Modern-Day Slavery: Exporting the African Talent
[56:30] - Inferiority Complex
[1:00:00] - Owning Social Media Companies Like China
[1:01:00] - Crocked African Parliament
[1:03:43] - Listen to this, You African Youth!


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