Heather Wolf - El Rey De Francia (Sephardi Traditional)

Описание к видео Heather Wolf - El Rey De Francia (Sephardi Traditional)

This ladino traditional is an offering to my Andalusian ancestors.

Listen to more music at heatherwolf.love & wildrevivalband.com
Heather Wolf (Wild Revival) mountain dulcimer, vocals
Audio by Sean Sebastian (Bard Rock Studio)
Video by Sarah Kathryn Wainwright

El Rey De Francia (Ladino)

El Rey de Francia tres hijas tenía
La una lavrava
La otra cruzía
La mas chica de ellas bastidor hazía
Lavrando lavrando,
Sueno le caía
Su madre que la via, aharvar la quería
"No m'aharvex mi madre
Ni m'aharvariax.
"Un sueño me soñava, bien y alegría."
"Sueño vos soñavax,
Yo vo lo soltaria."
"M'apari a la puerta; vide la luna entera
M'apari a la ventana
Vide la estrella Diana.
"M'apari al pozo; vide un pilar d'oro
Con tres paxaricos
Picando el oro."
"La luna entera es la tu suegra;
La estrella Diana
Es la tu cuñada.
"Los tres paxaricos son tus cuñadicos,
Y el pilar d'oro
El hijo del Rey, tu novio."
The King of France had three daughters
One of them embroidered and the other sewed
The youngest one was making a tapestry
While working she soon fell asleep
Her mother, seeing this, awoke her
"Do not wake me mother, don’t interrupt me
I was in the middle of a very happy dream."
"You dreamt a dream, I will interpret it for you."
"At the door I saw the full moon appear before me,
At the window I saw the star Diana appear before me,
At the well I saw a golden pillar appear before me,
With three little birds pecking at the gold."
"The full moon is your mother-in-law,
The star Diana is your sister-in-law,
The three little birds are your brothers-in-law,
And the golden pillar is the king’s son, your husband."


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