Vulnerability to stressors, reinforcement learning and depression

Описание к видео Vulnerability to stressors, reinforcement learning and depression

Professor Glyn Lewis from the University College London presents a lecture entitled: 'Vulnerability to stressors, reinforcement learning and depression'

The lecture was recorded as the second talk in a new public lecture series from the Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health at Cardiff University.

The lecture took place on 11 May 2022 and was followed by a short Q&A.

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Yr Athro Glyn Lewis o Goleg Prifysgol Llundain yn cyflwyno darlith o'r enw: 'Vulnerability to stressors, reinforcement learning, and depression'

Cofnodwyd y ddarlith fel yr ail sgwrs mewn cyfres ddarlithoedd cyhoeddus newydd o Ganolfan Wolfson ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl Pobl Ifanc ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Cynhaliwyd y ddarlith ar 11 Mai 2022 ac fe'i dilynwyd gan sesiwn holi ac ateb fer.

Cyfeiriad e-bost
[email protected]


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Twitter:   / wolfsoncentre  
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