Preparing for winter weather and shelf stable pancake mix

Описание к видео Preparing for winter weather and shelf stable pancake mix

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Pancake mix
4 cups flour
1 cup buttermilk powder or dried milk
3 tablespoons baking baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup sugar
Store in airtight container
To make
1 cup mix, 1 cup water and 1 egg.
If you don’t use dried milk or buttermilk powder use milk when you make it instead of water.

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Little Hill Homestead
PO Box 119
Turin, GA 30289

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❤️ People often ask how they can support our channel. Here are a few ways you can

-Visit our Etsy shop for sourdough starter and other handmade items. use discount code YOUTUBE for 10% off your purchase. This is our largest support for the channel and allows us to continue making videos for you.

-Send a gift to our home. Here is our Amazon Wishlist
The best price on many of our pantry staples is Azure Standard.

More info

We get 90% of the meat we eat from ButcherBox

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Fellow Content Creators - if this video inspires you to make a similar video on your channel or social media account, please give Little Hill Homestead video credit and provide a link in your description box to our video. This is not permission to use our wording, titles, content, recipes or videos, please contact us if you plan to do so at [email protected].

Thanks for watching,
Shawn and Ali
Little Hill Homestead ❤️

*We do our best to make recipes and other items from scratch that will work for you. We always test and use the recipe prior to posting them for your use. With that being said we still like to say that Little Hill Homestead is not held responsible for items that do not "turn out" or issues caused by the use of our homemade recipes to you or your appliances.


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