The Ultimate SWTOR Gameplay Guide for 2023 - Which Class Should I Play?

Описание к видео The Ultimate SWTOR Gameplay Guide for 2023 - Which Class Should I Play?

If you are a new player to the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG in 2023, you might feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes time to pick your origin story, class, and style. Welcome to the ultimate SWTOR gameplay guide where I help you figure out which class you should play in SWTOR.

Classes in SWTOR in 2023 are separated out into origin stories now, and you can pick a much wider array of playstyles than you used to be able to, meaning you can play your class in variety of ways. It might seem confusing at first, but this complete walkthrough tutorial will guide you through the steps to help you decide which class is going to be the best for your particular playstyle in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Really the most important thing to remember is this: there are four classes on the Republic side, and four classes on the Empire side, giving you eight classes in total to choose from. Each class (or origin story) has around 25 hours of story to play through, which means there are roughly 200 hours of gameplay for Star Wars: The Old Republic before you even get into the grouping or raiding in the game, or any of the world quests or space combat or Galatic Starfighter and beyond.


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