WVGamers Teach Fabled Fruit (Stronghold Games)

Описание к видео WVGamers Teach Fabled Fruit (Stronghold Games)

WVGamers Teach Fabled Fruit (Stronghold Games)

Throughout March, I am showing off Fabled Fruit for Double Exposure Envoy and Stronghold Games. You will need Tabletop Simulator to play the game, but the mod is free to use. You will need to RSVP on the Envoy gateway if you are interested in trying out this game. To find a session, follow this link and sign up for a free account: https://www.envoygateway.com/calendar/​

Fabled Fruit Board Game Geek Page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2...

Fabled Fruit Amazon Link: https://amzn.to/3uVUWAn

Fabled Fruit: The Lime Expansion Amazon Link: https://amzn.to/3eb52aA

The Amazon links are affiliate referrals that do not change the price for you, but purchasing the game with those links may provide WVGamers a small commission from the sale.


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