The Psychic Twins Predictions 2011 Beyond The Gate Radio

Описание к видео The Psychic Twins Predictions 2011 Beyond The Gate Radio

On January 23, 2011 The Psychic Twins, Terry & Linda Jamison were guests on "Beyond The Gate Radio". Hosted by David & Cheryll Baker. They gave an engaging interview followed by their first predictions of the year for 2011. In just months their predictions came true and many turned out to be major events. For example, they predicted the flood of the deadliest single tornado to strike the United States in nearly 60 years has reduced the Missouri city of Joplin to rubble, they also predicted Historic flooding slams eight states, Mississippi River hits record levels. Damages are in the billions. Gene Rench with the National Weather Service calls this "Epic 500 Year Flood".... They also predicted other events which have come to pass since then. Recently on Coast to Coast AM Radio with host Ian Punnett, they said that the predictions made on Beyond The Gate Radio with David Baker are "Legendary". Please listen and watch the side show. Visit The Psychic Twins at: and also view their predictions on:   / psychictwinspredictions.html  


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