Grand Theft Auto 3 - Police Chase

Описание к видео Grand Theft Auto 3 - Police Chase

Here is the 2nd fun Grand Theft Auto 3 video where we get chased by the LCPD for doing whatever and Get chased all over Portland, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale. Just so you guys know, here are the wanted stars:
1. Cops on foot chase you, fight you and bust you in car. Also in car if spawned before.
2. Police Cars will chase you normally and cops will shoot pistols
3. Police Cars aggressively chase you along with an unflyable Police Helicopter that flies after you and shoots.
4. Police Cars and Enforcers will chase you. The S.W.A.T. will shoot Uzi's at you.
5. More rapid as FBI Cars chase you and shoot AK47's at you. Also a second Police Helicopter shows up.
6. Two vehicles now. The Army will drive Barracks OL's and Rhino Tanks and the Rhhino instantly explodes any car while the tank is in motion so that's the difficulty there. Also they shoot M16's at you.

Hope you guys have fun watching this, all over the city and stay tuned for more, like riot mode and possibly flying tanks. I will be inactive for a week so I can't upload anything but expect me in a week and see you in the future.


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