How to Find a Doctor after a Car Accident. - Matt Powell, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer
This video will teach you why you need to see a specialist for your injuries and NOT your primary care physician.

The first and most important thing to do is seek a doctor right away. Waiting days, weeks, or months could result in permanent impairment or worse. It's never a good idea to put your health on the back burner, especially after a traumatic event like a car crash.

A big mistake most people make is going solely to their primary care doctor. It's fine to see your primary doctor, but do not rely only on them. They are not specialized to treat injuries caused by car accidents. Ask to be referred to a specialist so you can get proper treatment and increase your chances of healing from the injury.

Another reason to seek treatment from a specialist is the quality of their medical records. If you bring a personal injury claim, the value of your case in the insurance companies' eyes will be based on the quality of the medical records your doctors produce.

Insurance companies know that most people don't know how to find a doctor after a car accident that will help them prove the extent and severity of their injuries. Specialists know the games that insurance companies play and can adequately document your condition in a way the insurance company can understand.

When you finally find a specialist to treat your injuries, make sure you tell them about ALL of your prior injuries and pre-existing conditions. If you fail to mention something from the past, the insurance company will assume that you lied to your doctor and make a big deal about it during your case. Also, pre-existing injuries will help your case, not hurt it. People with previous injuries and pre-existing conditions are easier to hurt and harder to fix.

Once you begin treatment with your specialists, keep treating. Do not allow gaps in your treatment to occur. If you do, the insurance company will assume you were lying about being hurt because you stopped treating your injuries. Hurt people seek treatment. If you are not hurt, that is great and consider yourself very fortunate. If you are hurt, then you need to put your health first and follow a regimented treatment plan with your specialists.

If you can't afford a specialist, there are some that will treat you if you have a good personal injury lawyer. These doctors will agree to treat you and wait to be paid at the end of your case. Lawyers can help you find the right experts to document your injuries, harms, and losses. - Matt Powell, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer

00:00 Introduction how to find a good doctor after a car crash
00:15 What do I need to know about selecting my doctor
00:20 Why is it important that I pick the right injury doctor
00:25 Why not go to my Primary Care Physician PCP doctor
00:56 Why your primary doctor does not want to get involved in your accident
01:26 Where should I look to find the right kind of doctor
01:40 Why should I see a specialist
01:50 Why are my medical records important
03:00 What should be in my medical records
03:12 Is a detailed History of what happened important
03:17 Can pre existing conditions help my case value
03:26 Why documenting the tests done are important to my case
03:45 Should the therapy I need be written in my records
03:51 Why are referrals to other specialists important
04:02 Why is causation important to be in my medical records
04:12 What about my long term medical prognosis
04:20 How do my future medical needs become documented
04:45 How can I help the insurance company place a high value on my case
05:15 What kind of doctor should I choose
05:17 Find a doctor who specializes in treating your specific injury
06:00 Tell your doctors about ALL of your previous conditions or injuries
06:10 Will hiding my pre existing conditions help or hurt my case
06:20 What happens if I forget a pre existing conditions
07:12 Can I help my doctors by telling them about my pre existing conditions
07:28 Why is it important to keep all of my doctor appointments
07:45 Gaps in Treatment will hurt you
08:30 How you can help your attorney by saving evidence
09:10 How can avoid an insurance company excuse that I was not hurt in this accident
10:00 Why going to get checked out right away is important
11:04 What if you can't afford a doctor
11:18 What if you are a passenger or a pedestrian who pays your medical bills
11:38 What is an insurance security agreement
12:00 Let your lawyer help prove your future medical expenses with good experts
12:18 What is a life care planner
13:18 When do the taxpayers have to pay medical bills
13:30 What about my lost wages
13:40 How can I prove my lost earnings for the rest of my life
14:30 Why the quality of your doctors is important


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