Europe's next domino: Will Polexit follow Brexit?  | To the point

Описание к видео Europe's next domino: Will Polexit follow Brexit?  | To the point

Who will blink first? Poland and the EU are playing ‘chicken’ – and the outcome will determine the future of both. Our guests: Wojciech Szymański (DW), Andreas Kluth (Bloomberg), Alexandra von Nahmen (DW)

The European Court of Justice slapped its highest ever fine – a million Euros a day - on Warsaw after the country’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled that the Polish constitution takes precedence over the EU treaty. The head of the EU-Commission says the fine is a legitimate response to a ruling that challenges the very basis of the European legal order. Blackmail, says Poland’s Prime Minister Morawiecki. It’s only the latest in ongoing tensions that include security on Poland’s easternmost border, where guards are accused of illegally pushing back undocumented migrants trafficked into Europe by Belarus. Do the EU partners approve of Poland's actions on its eastern border?


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