Ismene / Hymenocallis "Sulphur Queen", the most fragrant Peruvian Daffodil / Spider Lily I own

Описание к видео Ismene / Hymenocallis "Sulphur Queen", the most fragrant Peruvian Daffodil / Spider Lily I own

Ismene Sulphur Queen, previously known as Hymenocallis Sulphur Queen, is a hybrid between Ismene narcissiflora and Ismene amancaes, and it is definitely one of the best scented flower bulbs and the most fragrant of the Peruvian daffodils / spider lilies I cultivate in my garden. Frost tender, it thrives in full sun and well drained soil. The beautiful cream flowers turn white when they age, and are wonderfully fragrant, especially at night, kind of similar to the smell of a cake with a hint of spice, making it one of my favourite fragrant plants. Please remember to ensure that slugs and snails do not come around, as they can entirely destroy the plants eating them. I hope that you enjoyed the video, and if you liked it and you would like to support my YouTube garden channel and have regular updates, it would be great if you would subscribe to my channel by clicking on the button "subscribe". Also, any comments, positive or negative, is very welcome as well as any of your enquiries, to which I will try to respond as soon as possible. Thanks for watching and I hope to see you in my next video.


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