Philippines vs Korea in Garena AOV (Set 1) - AIC 2017 Korea Allstars vs SEA Monsters

Описание к видео Philippines vs Korea in Garena AOV (Set 1) - AIC 2017 Korea Allstars vs SEA Monsters

Philippines vs Korea in Garena AOV (Set 1) - AIC 2017
Arena of Valor International Championship 2017
Korea Allstars vs SEA Monsters

Some facts you might want to know:
1. SEA Monster/s was a good choice of name (playful word) since the team consisted of players from South East Asia Region.
2. The game rules were a single game round robin tournamet.
3. Influencer games - it was reffered to as such because their games wont affect the overall standing of the main event.
4. Each team is guranteed to take home $10,000 win or lose.
5. Each team member could take home $2,000 each!
5. Overall winning Team would take an additional $20,000 Prize!
6. Team consists of "Dogie, Anthony, Eruption, HXA, Jamie"
7. Dark Slayer was taken out by Korean allstar upon respawn.
8. Game Ended under 8 minutes! or 7 minutes and 30 seconds.


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