Behringer Crave / Cat / Pro VS Mini / Volca Keys Analog Melodic Techno

Описание к видео Behringer Crave / Cat / Pro VS Mini / Volca Keys Analog Melodic Techno

This is a condensed Melodic Techno track featuring the Behringer Crave on bass. Youtube tells me that people frequently search for Behringer Crave Bass, so I figured I'd give the people what they want! It's a pretty simple patch. The sawtooth oscillator is patched to external audio so I can blend both waveforms. Keyboard CV is patched to VCF cutoff so the filter opens up with higher notes.

The Behringer Cat plays a brass sound which handles the primary melody for this track. I'm really digging this synth. It was a steal at around $200 US brand new. Here I'm using the two voices in unison with a bit of detune and I think it sounds great!

The Behringer Pro VS Mini handles the pad in this track. Like last video, it's using the Analog Strings factory patch, with some adjustments to fit the track.

The humble Korg Volca Keys is used for a sort of techno stab. When I was writing this track I had planned for something with a really fast envelope on the filter and I figured I'd design a patch for it on the Microfreak with its versatile modulation. But when I got set up to record I just didn't feel like designing a full patch. So the Volca Keys got the job with its unison mode.

As usual, I'm using Baby Audio Magic Switch chorus and Baby Comeback delay plus Native Instruments Raum reverb all over this track. What a fantastic trio of free plugins--they work so well to enhance these analog synths.

Thanks for listening and reading! Subscribe if you've made it this far, and let me know what your favorite synth is in the comments!


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