SP460-WF - Sacma Warm Forming machine (first generation)

Описание к видео SP460-WF - Sacma Warm Forming machine (first generation)

Sacma warmformer SP460-WF made in 1991 for the production of inner & outer rings in 100Cr6.


During the last 20years the cold forming technology extended the activity from standard bolts to a large variety of special fasteners and other parts especially used in the automotive industry.

Sacma, giving an answer to this trend ,enlarged the offer of progressive headers , in order to produce more important parts in terms of dimensions and complexity.

This challenge to obtain parts more and more difficult either of shape or material display the limits of cold forging.

The warm forming technology allow to increase the range of products, made by materials having poor aptitude to be formed at room temperature.


By heating the material to the right temperature you can increase the plastic field and reduce the deformation load, so it will be possible to obtain more complicated parts and forming difficult materials.

Compared with hot forging , the temperature is lower. In this condition we have:
better surface quality
lower surface decarburizing
smaller heating energy

The warm forming application allow the deformation of following materials:
Titanium alloys (Ti3,5Al2V,Ti6Al4V)
Light alloys ( 2000 and 6000 series))
Nickel superalloys (waspalloy, incoloy, inconel)
Alloyed steel (100Cr6, Cromolly steels)
Stainless steels for high temperature employ (A286, A310)

Aerospace market:
Titanium alloys (Ti3,5Al2V,Ti6Al4V)
Light alloys ( 2000 and 6000 series)
Nickel superalloys (waspalloy, incoloy, inconel)

Automotive market & Industries
Stainless steels for high temperature employ (A286, A310)
Nickel superalloys (waspalloy, incoloy, inconel)
Alloyed steel (100Cr6, Cromolly steels)

With its experience, now Sacma supply a new Warm-Former. visit our we site www.sacmagroup.com


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