🏃‍♂️ Pacer

Описание к видео 🏃‍♂️ Pacer

Melaka International Marathon 2023, Ayer Keroh, Melaka
Half Marathon 21 km category
As pacer 3:00 hours
My Half Marathon event #16

Melaka International Marathon 2023 is presented to you by Jojo Events, Blitz One, MMTF Consultant and Lizard SRC. Melaka International Marathon 2023 and held between 17 – 20 August 2023 at Dataran Sejarah, Ayer Keroh, Melaka.

Melaka International Marathon 2023 will showcase Melaka’s unique, rich culture and history to the world as runners will be taken to the heart of Melaka via Dataran Sejarah, Dataran Pahlawan, and Dataran 1Malaysia. Runners will be taken on a journey through the old and modern Melaka in an attempt to make Melaka a new running destination in Malaysia.

#halfmarathon #melakainternationalmarathon #melakarunning #ranjaurunners #melakarunnersunited #1krubongnightrunners


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