Decoloniality through an intersectional lens - Conversation with Avtar Brah

Описание к видео Decoloniality through an intersectional lens - Conversation with Avtar Brah

“Conversations with Iris” is a podcast series on migration, diversity and displacement hosted by the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham, UK. In our Conversations, we dialogue with researchers, teachers, writers, migrants, refugees, activists, community organisers, artists and policymakers on issues related to migration and diversity. The series is edited and produced by Stefano Piemontese and Nando Sigona and is also available on all major podcast platforms.

In this episode Professor Avtar Brah addresses the concepts and practices of coloniality, post-coloniality and decoloniality, exploring the similarity and differences between them. She examines the ways in which the figure of the ‘migrant’ has become demonised in both popular and political discourse. Questions of ethnicity, nationalism, national identity, and belonging are central to thinking about borders and are discussed in some detail as will be the problematic of how diasporas are created, mobilised, and politicised. The talk is followed by a conversation with Dr Nirmal Puwar and Dr Angelo Martins Jr.


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