A dwarf's tale

Описание к видео A dwarf's tale

Dwellers of stone and miners of metal, the Dwarves are a doughty folk, resistant to the corruption of the Enemy -- but not to greed. Dwarves can be excellent warriors, displaying unique toughness in battle and ability to craft great things. The stout Dwarves of Middle-earth are known for their steadfast determination, hearty strength, and commitment to all things found in the world’s deep places. Living a secretive life in their homes beneath the great mountains, Dwarves are expert miners and workers of stone and metal. They stand on average four-and-a-half to five feet high, and live long lives, occasionally reaching an age of 250 years. Despite all this dwarf guardians are a dying breed. Although the mighties of all heroes, their numbers dwindle and their deeds pass into legend. Perhaps the greatest legend of them all is that of Rogrim, the Last Guardian. The greatest guardian that Middle-Earth had ever seen. His deeds, although numerious and glorious, have passed from song into legend and are in danger of being forgotten. To stop one of the world's greatest adventurers to pass out of all knowledge we tell his story so many may be inspired by his deeds.


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