Every Woman Mickey Rooney Hooked Up With Before He Died

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Did you know that Mickey Rooney was married eight times and cheated on his wives repeatedly throughout his 93 years of life? And were you aware of the fact that his fifth wife, Barbara Thomason, was married in 1966?

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Ava Gardner
02:58 - Betty Jane Baker
03:55 - Martha Vickers
05:04 - Elaine Mahnken
05:39 - Barbara Ann Thomason
06:15 - Marge Lane
06:33 - Carolyn Hockett
06:53 - Jan Chamberlain
07:19 - Outro

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Mickey Rooney was undoubtedly one of the most successful actors of all time. He appeared in over 300 films, was the top box office draw from 1939 to 1941, and was one of the top-paid actors of his era. During the peak of his career between the age of 15 and 25, Rooney starred in 43 films.

Mickey Rooney not only had one of the most prolific acting careers in Hollywood throughout the nine decades that he was active, but he also had one wild life. He had dozens of affairs with some of the most famous women of his day, had one heck of a drinking problem, and ended up owing a lot of people money due to his rampant gambling addiction.

He was married eight times – with six of these marriages ending in divorce. But that shouldn't come as that big of a surprise considering his reputation of being an unapologetic womanizer. He lived fast, partied hard, and didn't seem to care about the consequences.

Ironically, most people's first thought when thinking about Mickey Rooney typically has something to do with his squeaky clean image as Andy Hardy – a character that he portrayed in 16 films between 1937 and 1946. But in reality, Rooney was nothing like Hardy. Ava Gardner, Rooney's first wife once said that he would go through women like a hot knife through fudge.

Join Facts Verse as we take a look at almost every woman – that we know of at least – that Mickey Rooney hooked up with before his death at the age of 93 in 2014.

Every Woman Mickey Rooney Hooked Up With Before He Died


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