La Pampa; why doesn't anyone cycle here? Argentina - Vlog #02

Описание к видео La Pampa; why doesn't anyone cycle here? Argentina - Vlog #02

Every time we asked an Argentinian for tips about crossing La Pampa in order to get to San Rafael and start cycling on the famous Ruta 40, they would tell us to get a bus! NEVER!!! La Pampa is definitely very flat and "repetitive" but it's definitely worth cycling due to its richness, its culture and, of course, amazing people!

After 1,000 kilometres cycled there we are absolutely happy to have done so and would recommend most experienced riders to do the same! In this video, we hope to show you exactly why...

There's also a Blog entry describing in more depth the events in this chapter;


If you'd like to know where we are, there's a locator;

📽 Check out our 2-years on the road summary video with some of the best highlights:    • 2 years cycling around the world  

📽 If you like this video there are more like it, check out our VLOG playlist;    • Плейлист  

📽 There's a small series of videos totally in Spanish, here's the first;
   • All About Bike Touring in Spain - Fro...  

📽 And here's a playlist with the countries we've visited so far...    • Плейлист  

🚴🏻🚴🏻♀️ Remember that we are cycling for charity, find out more about who we're fundraising for here;

If you are a reader rather that a watcher, you'll absolutely love our blog (it's also full of great pictures!) Some reading ideas include;

If you are attracted by bike touring, this new section in our blog is made for you and will give you tips to start an amazing journey !

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Song Credits;
Sailing by Rod Stewart


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