অল্প উপকরণে ডাবলি বুট ভুনা রেসিপি।।

Описание к видео অল্প উপকরণে ডাবলি বুট ভুনা রেসিপি।।

~Water[According to need]
Note:Wash them properly
After soaking:
~Baking powder[1/8tea-spoon][Tips:Using baking powder makes the dabli soft]
~Dried chilli[4-5]
~Bay leaves[1]
~Minced onion[1cup]
~Turmeric powder[1/2tea-spoon]
~Chilli powder[1tea-spoon]
~Warm water
~Ginger paste[1tea-spoon]
~Chopped tomatoes[1cup]
~Salt[According to taste]
~Warm water[1cup/According to need]
~Boiled potatoes[1 and 1/2cup]
~Warm water[2cups]
~Tamarind water[1/3cup]
Music in this vid:
Hip Hop Rap Instrumental (Crying Over You) by christophermorrow
  / chris-morrow-3  
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2AHA5G9
Music promoted by Audio Library    • Hip Hop Rap Instrumental (Crying Over...  
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