Clay Lacy's 1964 Lear Jet 23/24 N1965L (s/n 012)

Описание к видео Clay Lacy's 1964 Lear Jet 23/24 N1965L (s/n 012)

This classic beauty was built in 1964, as a Lear Jet 23. She was later upgraded to a model 24A. For those of you wondering why I didn't spell it as 'Learjet', it's because that spelling came along much later. All the original models were referred to as a 'Lear Jet'.

Sadly, she's no longer active, but still looks ready to go.

Thanks to Andrew Wiegert, for allowing me to see a piece of history!

The history of this aircraft is beyond belief. For Clay's personal story & history about this legendary aircraft, here's an amazing read, with some phenomenal photos:


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