Hindu Groups Raise Provocative Slogans During Protest In Delhi Against Udaipur, Amravati Killings

Описание к видео Hindu Groups Raise Provocative Slogans During Protest In Delhi Against Udaipur, Amravati Killings

Over the past few months, India has seen massive protests and violence over former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma's remarks on the Prophet. A man was beheaded in Rajasthan's Udaipur by alleged members of a radical group who targeted him for supporting Sharma. Another man was murdered in Maharashtra's Amravati allegedly for supporting Sharma.

Meanwhile in the national capital Delhi Hindu groups have been protesting against atrocities and murders, Udaipur Murder Case & Amravati Murder Case. The protestors also raised slogans like 'Desh Ke Gaddaro'.

Also, VHP Issues Helpline No. to Fight Islamist Jihad Hindus Under Threat May Dial Our Helpline. Over the Hindu Killing In Country VHP Dig Into And Take This Action To Help Those Who All Are Getting Threat Calls.

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