3D CG HT-01B Magella Attack Profile

Описание к видео 3D CG HT-01B Magella Attack Profile

The Magella Attack used a powerful 175mm cannon for their main purposes of combatting the Earth Federation's M61 Main Battle Tanks and later mobile suit forces. A 3-barrelled 35mm machine gun, for attacks against infantry, rounded out the armaments.
The detachable top design of the Magella Attack severely limits its main gun's range of traverse to the point that Magella Attacks almost exclusively relied on maneuvering its hull for targeting, but the Magella actually scored victories against mobile suits after some rethinking of tactics by the virtue of its 175mm main gun being capable of destroying enemy mobile suits with a well-placed shot, and even luna titanium alloy armors can be penetrated or seriously compromised from a direct hit.

● Height : 6.8 m
● Weight : 95.0 t
● Armaments : 175mm Cannon, 3-barrel 35mm Machine Gun


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