Pawn Analysis

Описание к видео Pawn Analysis

Chess Evolved Online, also known as Old Old Chess Battle Advanced, is a game created by a crypto-addicted Spaghetti Monster. In my opinion, it's a "must-play" game in that it expands your idea of what chess variants even are, with over 400+ pieces and a non-p2w upgrades system.


all tiers: high risk to be killed; good to quickly have targets for a specific square or fork, but much easier to disrupt than classic chess; just like pawn in regular chess, opponent can often use your own pawn against you because your own pawn blocks the way
+0: passable king defense / sit forever near center as potential fork threats
+1: can quickly go to 5th row and constrict, decent promotion threat; still not used THAT often, but is the best of the tiers and is the only one with positive winrate
+2: for rushes only, have rooks behind it, but it can often be ignored
+3: no army really wants it, despite the insta-promote; meme army with angel, but needs buff (goes without saying that bishop+++ is still a lot worse than queen in classic chess)



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