Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 vs X-Plane [A CFI's Review for Real Pilots]

Описание к видео Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 vs X-Plane [A CFI's Review for Real Pilots]

More free videos on using X-Plane for pilot proficiency are at:

Which flight simulator is better for real pilot training: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or X-Plane 11? Licensed pilots looking to build proficiency in a simulator require more accuracy than their non-pilot counterparts when it comes to items like airport marking accuracy, ATC functionality, GPS systems fidelity, flight models, weather and other flight sim parameters.

In this video, Ryan Koch, a CFII who has coached real-world pilots remotely via flight sim, and Course Designer/Producer for PilotWorkshops (, digs into the differences between X-Plane and this debut version of MSFS 2020. He focuses primarily on some of the major MS FlightSim 2020 features of interest to general aviation pilots and how they contrast with X-Plane.

The comparisons of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 vs X-Plane will evolve as third party developers get more time to work with FightSim 2020. But X-Plane isn't standing still, either. Subscribe to the channel and we'll let you know when we release updated comparisons.


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