Speed Density Tuning | HP Tuners Live Training

Описание к видео Speed Density Tuning | HP Tuners Live Training

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Welcome to the sixth session of HP Tuners Live Training! Join Alex Peitz from Peitz Performance Tunes as we go through an overview of Speed Density Tuning with VCM Suite.

Today's Curriculum - Speed Density Tuning

1. What does speed density mean?
2. Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) vs mass airflow (MAF)
3. MAP sensor considerations
4. What MAP sensor is right for your car?
5. Different ways to activate speed density on your car
6. How to ensure your car is running in speed density
7. Virtual VE vs traditional VE
8. Resolution on VE tables
9. What to do when you add boost
10. Scanner set up for speed density
11. Volumetric efficiency/cylinder airmass
12. Peak torque and relationship to volumetric efficiency
13. How to read a torque curve and know how to adjust VE

Check out Alex's IG here: https://www.instagram.com/peitzperfor...

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