Summer nights in Paris

Описание к видео Summer nights in Paris

Walking by the Seine so fine
City lights softly shine
Hand in hand we take our time
Hearts in sync like perfect rhyme

Red wine in our glass
Time slows as moments pass
Moonlight dances on your face
In this world it's our own space

Oh summer nights in Paris
Our love like the river flows
In the city of romance
Heart to heart it always grows

(mon amour ... mon coeur ... je t'aime...
embrasse-moi ... ce soir)

Tes yeux scintillent au clair de lune
et brillent plus fort que les étoiles

Streetlamps glow with tender light
Whispers in the velvet night
Holding you feels so divine
Lost in love and in the wine

Every corner sings our song
In your arms where I belong
Summer breeze it wraps us tight
Making love until the light


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