BEST Beginning Clarinet Embouchure

Описание к видео BEST Beginning Clarinet Embouchure

My band director friends are always asking for tips and tricks to teaching clarinet embouchure, so I decided to make a video about starting new clarinet students with a DOUBLE-LIP EMBOUCHURE.

Yes, that's right: double-lip.

Funky embouchures are a defense mechanism to prevent squeaking. Squeaking can happen when the tone holes aren't covered, but another culprit is mouthpiece BITING.

This double-lip ensures that students are using the corners of their mouths to hold the mouthpiece rather than their jaw. I use this trick with students of all ages and levels—and my own practice—when we get really squeaky.

It's not necessary to put the top teeth on the top of the mouthpiece! 🤯

I always start my beginners with a double-lip embouchure!

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Send me an email if you want to discuss these tips & tricks: [email protected].


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