Nirnaeth Arnoediad from the Silmarillion | Original Composition ROUGH DRAFT

Описание к видео Nirnaeth Arnoediad from the Silmarillion | Original Composition ROUGH DRAFT

This is a rough draft of what I hope will one day be another of my recorded original songs. It's based on one of the battles mentioned in the SIlmarillion.
Ignore my terrible camera and take my word for it that this sounds much better live.

It starts out with sadness and regret, basically a summary of the whole song. Then it changes into major chords signifying the march of the Noldor with some minor signifying the sorrow that so many princes have perished. Which consequently changes to a discordenant march as the orcs, "clad in dun raiment" march unseen across the plain. Then the music changes pace as Gwindor sees his brother being slain and charges recklessly. The battle goes on, ending in defeat and loss of thousands of Elves and men.


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