Turmeric Ginger Beer - Homemade Probiotic Drink !!!

Описание к видео Turmeric Ginger Beer - Homemade Probiotic Drink !!!

Healthy probiotic drink at home. NO additives or preservatives. Natural yeast and bacteria eat the sugar so you get very little sugar in the finished soda! and very delicious healthy beers.

This soda need ginger bug, if you don’t have, you will have to make one! Learn how to make Ginger Bug here    • Ginger Bug Soda Starter for Homemade ...  
If you have a ginger bug in your fridge but haven’t used it for a while, take it out and pour some away. Add a tbsp of unpeeled fresh ginger, and 1 tbsp of sugar and some filtered water to top it off. Stir it with something that is not metallic and allow it to sit at room temperature until it is bubbling. This may take a couple of hours, but it feeds or “wakes up” the ginger bug. If you use your ginger bug about once a week then it will ready to use, even cold from the fridge.
• 2 quarts (8 C) water, chlorine free
• 3 TBSP fresh ginger, chopped (1-2 tsp to feed ginger bug after using)
• 2 oranges, 2 lemons
• 1 C Sugar
• 1/2 tsp turmeric with black pepper**
• 1/2 cup active ginger bug
**Research supports that combining the piperine in black pepper with the curcumin in turmeric enhance curcumin absorption by up to 2,000%

1. Combine water with ginger, oranges & lemon peel (leaving as much of the white part as possible), turmeric and black pepper, sugar in a pot. Stir well to dissolve, bring to a boil for 2-3 minutes then turn off the heat, cover, steep until cooled completely.
2. Add oranges and lemons Juice along with the ginger bug. Strain well.
3. Transfer the mixture into 2 cleaned & well rinsed bottles with swing top lids, filling 2/3 full. Close bottles and allow soda to ferment in a warm place for 2-5 days, depending on temperature. Each day, open the bottles to release any gas that may have built up. When the soda is bubbling, it is ready. Chill and enjoy.

Temperature here around 60-65 f
A cooler room will slow fermentation while a warmer room will speed it up.

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#gingerbeer #turmeric #healthydrinks #probiotics


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