Read the Bible In a Year Challenge & Be Changed in the Process by Warwick & Alison Marsh

Описание к видео Read the Bible In a Year Challenge & Be Changed in the Process by Warwick & Alison Marsh

Warwick & Alison Marsh believe reading the word of God daily is one of the greatest ways to be revitalised. Charles C. Ryrie said, “The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals.” Jane Johnson said wisely, “I could simply share with you the treasures I’ve uncovered. But I’d rather give you the treasure map.”

David the Psalmist in Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." -
We believe, God’s eternal, inerrant Word is the basis behind all wisdom for life. If we want to hear what God is saying to us, then we need to be spending time in daily Bible study. Memorizing it, meditating upon it, and keeping scriptures verses in front of our eyes are all important ways that we can soak in the goodness of God’s Word.

If you would like to avail yourself of a great resource to read the Bible through in one year, we strongly recommend the Bible Reading plan made available by Ps Larry Stockstill from Bethany Fellowship. It is the same bible Reading plan put together by Scottish evangelist Robert MacCheyne 1813-1843.

The beauty of Read15 M’Cheyne One Year Bible Plan is that you not only read the bible through once, but you read both Psalms and the New Testament through twice in the year long process. Click the link below to download.


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