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This color educational/promotional film is about The University of Texas at Austin. This film was made sometime between 1953-1960, when Dr. Logan Wilson served as President.

Opening credits - fountain at the University of Texas as the credits begin: "This…is your UNIVERSITY" (:08-:41). A gavel lies next to a book. The university of Texas at Austin campus. Sutton Hall exterior. Other campus buildings. University Texas Tower shadows the campus. Inauguration of the University's president, Dr. Wilson, who speaks to a record crowd. Students walk the campus. Students sit together at a table (:42-2:44). An administrator grades tests on a scoring machine. A counselor discusses scores with a student. Students sit around and talk. A man surveys the campus. Faculty teach a class. Exterior campus buildings. Student/teacher use reel to reel. Benedict Hall exterior. A faculty member works with a student. The music hall. The science building. Students perform experiments. Students study in a library. Some use the card catalog. A hand removes a book in the stacks (2:45-6:04). A library has rare books and a teacher discusses. A health center. A woman has a test performed on her. A nurse wraps a patients leg. The law building. Law school new hall. The courtyard. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at a ceremony (6:05-7:40). Exterior other older buildings/shacks. Students in an art class paint outside. Students look over set design paintings. A student teacher works with younger children. A young child paints. Graduating students walk. Signs outside on the grounds. Posters for those running for campus office. Students vote in a ballot box. Stained glass for a church. There are 9 buildings for worship (7:41-10:29). Students sit and talk. A student hangs a religious sign on a tree with a hammer and nail. Santa Claus has a Christmas party. Students throw a party for children. Archery class. University baseball on Clark Field. A huge bonfire for the football pep rally. Texas Memorial Stadium for the Texas Longhorns. A sold out crowd for the game. The marching band, the mascot, the players all enter the field. The football game begins. TCU vs the Texas Longhorns. Texas touchdown! Halftime with the marching band and visiting high school bands (10:30-14:38). Aqua Carnival flyer. A student dives off a diving board. Aqua carnival queen beauties. People make floats. The finished floats start to come out at a parade - a roundup parade. Military march, the ROTC units (14:39-16:20). Women in a coop living. Women take a vote. Fraternity house. Men play a guitar and sing. Students play dominoes. A woman talks with a school official. Summer job board. The State of Texas is our campus sign. Faculty discuss in an office. Oil field workers. Film classes as students edit. A woman packs envelopes. A play goes on. Track meet (16:21-20:07). A research center, 20 laboratories. Students do experiments. Medical branch at Galveston, TX. Students do physical therapy with a woman. Doctors work. Nurses at work (20:08-21:56). A nurse looks at a cancer patient. An older woman talks with a nurse. Dental branch in Houston, TX. Dental students at work and in class. University of Texas Postgraduate School of Medicine in Houston, other divisions are shown on a Texas map. Medical building in Dallas. Marine Science branch where men dive and are on a boat. A fish in a bowl (21:57-24:44). WJ McDonald Observatory near Ft. Davis. A telescope is shown. Staffed by the University of Chicago. El Paso where students take a surveying course. A mining engineer performs a test. Students look at ores. Art department where ceramics are made by students. Texas swimming pool (24:45-26:52). A faculty member teaches. President Dr. Wilson. Faculty is shown. Students walk the campus. The Texas Tower (26:53-28:16). End credits (28:17-28:24).

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) is a public research university in Austin, Texas. It was founded in 1883 and is the flagship institution of the University of Texas System. The University of Texas was inducted into the Association of American Universities in 1929, becoming only the third university in the American South to be elected.

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