PDP-8/V Sequencer Board pt 1

Описание к видео PDP-8/V Sequencer Board pt 1

Assembling the Sequencer Board for PDP-8/V

The sequencer board holds the state flipflops and instruction register for the PDP-8/V, along with instruction decoding gates necessary to sequence the states for the current instruction. It contains diodes, resistors and capacitors on the front side. Ten of the 8-tube boards plug in the back using 3-pin connectors (160 3-pin connectors total).

The sequencer board also has edge connectors that plug into the backplane. There are 4 32-pin signal connectors and 3 6-pin power connectors. The paddle boards can be plugged directly into the 32-pin connectors for unit testing the sequencer.

This part 1 video shows inserting some of the diodes, resistors and capacitors.

PDP-8/V webpage: https://www.outerworldapps.com/pdp8v/

GitHub: https://github.com/mrieker/pdp8v
- look under tree/github/kicads/seq and tree/github/modules/seq.mod


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