Tamiya TT-02BR Kit: The Butchered video..... This is going to be funny!!!

Описание к видео Tamiya TT-02BR Kit: The Butchered video..... This is going to be funny!!!

Hello everyone.....
Welcome to my butchered video of the Tamiya TT-02BR kit #587170
I made this video over the course of a few weeks, patching it here & there.....
And yet I forgot a few things.... The shocks are nothing special, I had a set made up for my Super Avante TD4 kit BUT, with the spacers in or not in, I can't remember so I built the kit shocks...

As for the motor, I change it is in the video, but as for why.... It's cause this Epic Motor is much faster....... You'll have to wait for that video.

As for the body.... I have a plan for that and even ran it by a few people (hush-hush), so the body will be another video..

I definitely lost my mind by the end of the video but I hope some of the tips I used help some people out....

Sorry again about this video, I was fighting some body gremlins, carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand for one, nerve pain everywhere but mostly on my right side...... So again, I apologize for my words and lack of brain function......

As for the guys & channels I follow, I have been watch & liking,
I just been mostly quiet.


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