2. 생각을 표현하는 법 배우기: 'There Was Something That...'

Описание к видео 2. 생각을 표현하는 법 배우기: 'There Was Something That...'

채널에 가입하여 혜택을 누려보세요.
   / @feathered_english  

5 Pairs of Dialogues Using "There was something that..."

*A:* There was something that I wanted to tell you yesterday.
*B:* What was it? Is it still important?
*A:* 어제 내가 너에게 말하고 싶었던 것이 있었어요.
*B:* 그게 뭐였어요? 아직 중요한가요?

*A:* There was something that smelled bad in the fridge this morning.
*B:* Oh, I think it was the expired milk.
*A:* 오늘 아침 냉장고에서 이상한 냄새가 나는 게 있었어요.
*B:* 아, 아마도 상한 우유였던 것 같아요.

*A:* There was something that made me uncomfortable during the meeting.
*B:* Was it the way they criticized your idea?
*A:* 회의 중에 나를 불편하게 한 뭔가가 있었어요.
*B:* 그들이 당신의 아이디어를 비판한 방식 때문인가요?

*A:* There was something that I forgot to bring to the event.
*B:* Was it the tickets? I have extras if you need them.
*A:* 행사에 가져오는 것을 깜빡한 뭔가가 있었어요.
*B:* 표였나요? 필요하면 여분이 있어요.

*A:* There was something that made me laugh during the movie.
*B:* Was it the funny scene with the cat?
*A:* 영화 중에 나를 웃게 한 뭔가가 있었어요.
*B:* 고양이가 나오는 웃긴 장면 때문인가요?


Video Description
Learn how to use "There was something that..." in English conversations with practical examples! This lesson focuses on describing past events, thoughts, or observations. Ideal for English learners aiming to improve fluency and master everyday expressions.

"There was something that..."를 활용해 영어 대화에서 과거의 사건, 생각, 또는 관찰을 설명하는 방법을 배우세요! 이 강의는 유창성을 높이고 일상 표현을 마스터하고자 하는 영어 학습자에게 적합합니다.


Suggested Hashtags
#EnglishGrammar #ThereWasSomething #LearnEnglish #EnglishDialogues #EnglishSpeaking #GrammarTips #PracticalEnglish #EnglishExpressions #EnglishFluency #EnglishConversation #ESLEducation #LanguageLearning #GrammarLesson #EverydayEnglish #LearnToSpeakEnglish #EnglishExamples #EnglishForBeginners #SpeakingEnglish #ImproveEnglish #EnglishPractice

#영어문법 #ThereWasSomething #영어대화 #영어학습 #실용영어 #문법팁 #영어표현 #유창한영어 #ESL교육 #언어학습 #문법강의 #일상영어 #영어예문 #영어초보 #영어말하기 #영어공부 #영어교육 #영어연습 #영어강의 #영어실력


Suggested Titles
*English Titles:*
"There Was Something That...: Learn English with Real Dialogues"
"Master 'There Was Something That...' for Everyday Conversations"
"Speak Fluent English: Using 'There Was Something That...'"
"How to Use 'There Was Something That...' in Conversations"
"Practical English Lesson: 'There Was Something That...'"

*Korean Titles:*
"'There Was Something That...'를 활용한 영어 대화 배우기"
"'There Was Something That...'로 일상 대화 마스터하기"
"유창한 영어 말하기: 'There Was Something That...' 사용법"
"대화에서 'There Was Something That...'를 사용하는 방법"
"실용 영어 강의: 'There Was Something That...'"


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