31 Days, 31 Villains: Iago

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31 Days, 31 Villains: Iago from The Shakespeare Minute. Like this? Watch the latest episode of The Shakespeare Minute on Blip! http://blip.tv/cassius614/watch

Finally weapos;ve made it to villain #1 - the cruel, jealous, creature of malice known as Iago from Othello. I hope youapos;ve enjoyed the villains countdown, everyone!

The Villains so far:
#31 - Iachimo, Cymbeline
#30 - Saturninus, Titus Andronicus
#29 - Cloten, Cymbeline
#28, #27 - Chiron and Demetrius, Titus Andronicus
#26 - Caliban, The Tempest
#25 - Shylock, Merchant of Venice
#24 - Cassius, Julius Caesar
#23 - Proteus, Two Gentlemen of Verona
#22 - Duke Frederick, As You Like It
#21 - Don John, Much Ado About Nothing
#20 - Duke of Buckingham, Richard III
#19 - Antonio, The Tempest
#18 - Dionyza, Pericles
#17 - The Queen, Cymbeline
#16 - Leontes, A Winterapos;s Tale
#15 - Antiochus, Pericles
#14 - Duke of Cornwall, King Lear
#13 - Oliver, As You Like It
#12 - Queen Margaret, Henry VI and Richard III
#11, #10 - Goneril and Regan, King Lear
#9 - Claudius, Hamlet
#8, #7 - The Macbeths, Macbeth
#6 - Angelo, Measure for Measure
#5 - Tamora, Titus Andronicus
#4 - Edmund, King Lear
#3 - Aaron, Titus Andronicus
#2 - Richard III, Henry VI and Richard III

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