什么是童年情绪障碍,如何治疗 唐秋萍 中南大学湘雅三医院

Описание к видео 什么是童年情绪障碍,如何治疗 唐秋萍 中南大学湘雅三医院

什么是童年情绪障碍,如何治疗 唐秋萍 中南大学湘雅三医院

What is childhood emotional disorder and how to treat it
Childhood emotional disorder refers to some emotional abnormalities such as anxiety, fear, compulsion and so on that occur in childhood, So in medical diagnosis, In fact, there is no such name, Only childhood neurosis, It is also mainly about emotional problems. Neurosis in childhood is different from that in adulthood, The differentiation of symptoms in childhood neurosis may not be as obvious as in adulthood, So childhood neurosis is what we call childhood emotional disorder today. There are many reasons for childhood emotional disorders that are related to children's development and circumstances, Not to mention in the face of some stress factors or poor education in the family environment and other factors that may lead to that. It has something to do with heredity. For example, offspring not only inherit their parents' body (characteristics), It also includes some characteristics of personality and emotional response, The treatment of childhood emotional disorders is more focused on the psychological problems of families and parents, Parents' educational methods need to be improved, There are also family relations, parent-child relations may need some adjustment. So parents themselves can also receive some psychological counseling and treatment. Then we can also carry out some treatment for children, such as some play therapy specifically for children, Children and parents can also work together for professional family therapy.


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