Vintage Designer Shopping in Japan! The hunt for the perfect Chanel handbag...

Описание к видео Vintage Designer Shopping in Japan! The hunt for the perfect Chanel handbag...

One of the things I was most excited to do in Japan was check out the secondhand and vintage designer shops! I actually did have a look in Tokyo (coming soon...) but I found the prices pretty high! I actually left pretty disheartened until coming to Osaka and discovering the coolest street (I've mentioned it throughout the video but you can find the exact name at the end!) which was filled with great designer bargains! I have had my eye on a Chanel Diana handbag now for ages but it's always inevitably out of my price range, but being in Osaka, Japan (where designer IS cheaper!) I decided to give it a crack and see if I could find my dream bag for under $2000... did I manage? You'll have to watch to find out!

Also thought I would mention that the bag I bought was purchased from Efu Vintage (but make sure to check out all the shops on this street as they're filled with hidden gems!)

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