Buck Pen, Buck Care, Buck Talk

Описание к видео Buck Pen, Buck Care, Buck Talk

My website: https://nigeriandwarfgoatsva.com/kids...
All goat breeders I know have kids every 12 months. The does need 7 months rest after giving birth before mating with a buck. The bucks will mate with the does anytime of the year. The does go into heat all year long. It is important to keep the breeding buck and does seperated until those 7 months have passed.
I will show the double fence that separates the bucks and does. This is probably the best way, short of removing the bucks from my farm, to insure the 2 stay apart.
There is shade and shelter for my 8 bucks in their pen. Shade is important for the bucks so they can get out of the hot sun when the temperatures are extreme. All goats do not like to be rained on and my goats are not the exception. There is a roof for them to get under when they want it.
Goat minerals are a must for keeping the goats in their best health. I offer 1/2 pound of 12% grain to each of my 8 bucks daily as well as lots of good quality hay.


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