Introduction to Bioethical implications of 4IR (SLP)

Описание к видео Introduction to Bioethical implications of 4IR (SLP)

Technologies driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in matters of healthcare, healthcare 4.0, have potential to bridge inequalities that hinder the progressive realisations of health in South Africa.

When administered in anethical manner, healthcare 4.0 can aid locate the poor at the centre of the highest attainable standard of care and allow them to live a life of dignity. Health care professionals, policy makers and legislators ought to develop practices, policies and laws that promote public safety and welfare.

The requirement imposes a moral duty to ensure that technologies driving healthcare 4.0 are continually evaluated for compliance with ethical principles and human values.

This SLP seeks to develop student’s knowledge in fundamental bioethical and associated health law issues, relating to healthcare 4.0. The insight is crucial in determining the moral foundations to critique healthcare 4.0 with reference to its ability to benefit, rather than harm those it is meant to serve. Upon completion, students are expected to reflect on this knowledge and apply it to identify bioethical issues in their respective domains and design ethical frameworks to mitigate the risks that ensue.

Detailed course breakdown:
1. Overview of bioethical issues in SA healthcare
2. Emerging technologies driving healthcare 4.0
2.1 Artificial Intelligence
2.2 Biotechnology 4.0
2.3 Robotics and drone technologies in fighting pandemics
3. Bioethical implications of healthcare 4.0
4. Ethical analysis of healthcare 4.0 in the SA context


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